Results 11-20 of 302 for the request Google +
This week Google has a announced that its will be closing 10 of its experimental services including Aardvark
the start-up created by ex-Googlers and acquired by Google back in
February 2010. Other services to be closed include Google Desktop which
will closing on September 14th and Google Maps API for Flash.
Other closures include Google Fast Flip which was...
On Friday we heard a rumor that Google TV
would be launching in the UK some time within the next six months, and
now Google’s Eric Schmidt has confirmed that Google TV will launch in
the UK in early 2012.
Google has said that the UK version of Google TV will feature content
from popular on demand services like the BBC’s iPlayer and the ITV
player, with more services being added before the launch.
Google offers some insight behind the infamously unknown inner workings of Search.
It’s extremely rare that Google gives us a look at what’s behind the
curtain over at Search. Given its secure grip over the platform, it’s
entirely justified why there’s so much skepticism regarding its tactics.
With nearly no explanation and sometimes little justification, Google
can entirely revolutionize the way Internet search retrieves your
results. It’s a majo...
has released some new software for its Google TV, in the form of the
Android add on SDK for Google TV, which will allow developers to port
their existing applications to Google TV and also create new ones.
When Google releases Honeycomb for Google TV, you will be able to use
applications on your Google TV device just the way you do on your
Android smartphone or tablet.
At Googl...
If you are a Gmail user you might be pleased to know that Google has
just added a new Preview Pane feature to its Gmail Labs. The newly added
preview pane allows you to view whole messages rather than just small
snippets in a similar way to layouts in Outlook’s Preview Pain and also
Gmail when viewed on a tablet device.
Google has rolled out a new update to their mobile Gmail web
application designed to bring it more inline with a
native application you might find on Apple’s iPhone 4. To make the feel
of their Gmail web app a little more polished, Google has now added
high resolution icons, providing a smoother and sharper user interface
on retina display smartphones.
Other new features included in this update include a new
Pull-to-refresh feature, that makes it quicker and easie...
Google’s new social network Google+ seems to be becoming more popular
every day, and Google has now released a new version of Google+ for
Android brings a range of new features to your Android device as well as
some bug fixes.
With the latest version of Google+ for Android it now features
improved notifications, the ability to share stream posts with
individual people, and much more you can see full details of everything
that is new in the Google+ for Android app below.
Google has rolled another small enhancement to its Google+ social
network with the addition of stars which can now be used to
bookmark memorable posts with Google+.
The new Star feature has been added to create and internal
bookmarking system for personal use rather than using the +1 button
which is more for public bookmarking and sharing.
Back in May Google showed of their latest version of their Google TV
which was running Android 3.1 Honeycomb, and now it looks like we could
be getting closer to the release of Honeycomb 3.1 on the Google TV.
Google’s new social network has become incredibly popular since it
launched a few weeks ago, Google has already released an Android and
iPhone app, and now Google has updated the iPhone version of Google+ to
add in support for the iPad and the iPod Touch.
Leap Motion has announced that their new motion control system has now been integrated within Google Earth 7.1, and now allows users to navigate the world with Leap Motion’s 3D controller. This week Google has launched their new Google ...
Google has announced this week that it will soon be rolling out Google+ integration for users of its Blogger service.
Google has today announced via its "Data Liberation Front” team thats its now provided Google Voice users the ability to export Google Voice data from its service, using the Google Takeout service.
Google has made a number of changes to Google Search to make it more tablet friendly, now when you visit Google.
Next week Google is has announced that it will be rolling out a new revamp of its RSS Reader ...
Google’s new social network has become incredibly popular since it launched a few weeks ago, Google has already released an Android ...
Last week Google announced that they would be changing their privacy policies over all their different services, with more than 60 different privacy ... After the announcement Google were contacted by members of the US congress with regard to the new privacy policies, in which the company was ...
Yesterday we heard that Google were getting ready to launch their new NFC based payment system, Google Wallet, it is now official and as we reported previously Google wallet will be available with the Sprint Nexus S ...
Google plans to compete with Siri with it’s own version: Google Assistant. Reports had the Assistant’s name as "Majel” ...
Google’s announced its new Google Offers beta service has now rolled out to 5 more cities across the US including ...