Main » 2011»November»21 » Awesome Stop Motion Movie : Against The Grain 920 Pencils Create(video)
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Awesome Stop Motion Movie : Against The Grain 920 Pencils Create(video)
I am always a fan of stop motion movies and this one created by film maker and animator Jonathan Chong is just great to watch. The complete video
is a total of 5,125 frames over 3 minutes 23 seconds and uses 920
pencils to create the different effects and animations. Watch it after
the jump, together with a behind the scenes look at how it was created.
The video has been created for Australian indie-folk group Hudson and
their song Against the Grain and took Chong hundreds of hours to
complete working on his own.
More information can be found about the movie creators, together with
more examples of work over on his Vimeo page including a great 2011
showreel and a Chenrezig Sand Mandala time-lapse.