Call it EES for short. Since the near future is shaping up to be a
mix of Blade Runner, the Matrix, Terminator, and Brave New World, it
comes as no surprise that engineer-scientists are hard at work melding
electronic parts unto human flesh. Seen below is a viable prototype of
the EES, which could pave the way for biologically integrated gadgets.
No, not gadgets, since there won’t be a physical object to hold
anymore. If the EES is fully operational, then we are the gadget.
Gadgets even, considering how a non-proprietary feature could open these
electronic upgrades to a variety of apps.
The two most prominent engineers working on EES are John Rogers and
Todd Coleman, both of whom could barely contain their excitement over
the EES’ possibilities.
According to Rogers:
Within the realm of biomedical applications, one can
imagine providing benefits to patients with muscular or neurological
disorders like ALS. For example, in the Sciencearticle,
our research group used the device…to control a computer strategy game
with muscles in the throat by speaking the commands.
While some of you might be rolling them eyeballs and muttering
‘Singularity’, let’s hope that promising advances like this won’t end up
enslaving us. It sucks to live in a dystopian future. (As if we
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