It wasn’t long ago that we reported that Google’s new social network
Google+ had reached 10 million users, then we heard they were close to 20 million users, and now it looks like Google+ has 25 million users.
Google+ is growing at an incredible rate, and we suspect it will grow
even faster when it is released to everyone, in contrast it took
Facebook nearly 3 years to reach 25 million users and Twitter 30 months
to reach 25 million users.
Although both these really aren’t a fair comparison as both social
networks were launched from scratch, where as Google had hundreds of
millions of users of its existing services to launch Google+ too.
The figure is still pretty impressive, and we wonder how long it will
take Google to reach 100 million users, it should hit this before the
end of the year if it continues to grow at the same rate.
Source The Next Web |