At least it has only got arms for now. Wait until it packs a couple
of lasers. Humanity watch out! Holding back our inner survivalist nut
for a moment, seen below is a wonderful step forward in robotic
exoskeleton technology. That means relax, it’s not going to turn on its
master/s until the singularity approaches. The guy flashing his
metallic biceps is none other than Fraser Smith, a vice president at
The robot prototype’s sweetest feature is the sensitivity of the two
arms. Even though it still doesn’t have a cool name to go by, the
Raytheon-Sarcos prototype has a bright future mapped for it.
Future applications for the armed beast involves any type of work
that includes heavy lifting. The arms that are secured to a mobile
tracked platform reflect the movements applied by the operator, thus
giving them an extra finesse absent in a lot of lifting machinery today.