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Android MegaPad The 23 Inch Android Device (Video)

Earlier we saw the Padzilla which turns your iPad into a giant iOS device, now it is the turn of Google’s Android OS, with the Android MegaPad, which is basically a 23 inch Android touchscreen device.

The Android MegaPad is the work of Martin Drashkov, and he describes the MegPad as a modern touchscreen computing device, have a look at the video of the MegaPad in action below.

It only cost around $600 to make using off the shelf components, you can find out more information about the Android MegaPad over at Martin Drashkov’s website.

Source Android and Me

Category: Android | Added by: amitguruji (2011-09-22)
Views: 441 | Tags: android, Gadget | Rating: 0.0/0
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