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Roccat Power Grid App For Project Phobo Keyboards Unveiled

amers who are looking to add a little more functionality to their keyboard controls might be interested int he new keyboard smartphone dock from Roccat called the Roccat Phobo Project which combines with the Roccat Power Grid application.

The Roccat keyboard allows you to dock your smartphone and use the Power Grid app to monitor your PC RAM, CPU status together with connection for communication via Facebook, TeamSpeak, Skype and Twitter to name a few.

The free to download Power Grid app is only available for iOS devices at the current time, but Roccat says that an Android device is in development. Power Grid comes supplied with four control displays (Grids) one of which is completely customisable, while the other three provide pre-configured gaming tools.

"The first of Power-Grid’s three pre-installed control grids is called the "Incoming Center”. It routes all outside voice and text communication – from Skype™, Facebook®, TeamSpeak, Twitter, etc. – to an at-a-glance display on the gamer’s smartphone. This means players can get messages from friends and teammates while staying in the game.

The "Stats Control” grid also comes preloaded with Power-Grid, letting gamers quickly and easily monitor their computer’s vital data via their smartphone – info such as CPU status, hard drive space and network traffic.

The third preloaded display is the "Sound Control” grid, which allows gamers to set and fine tune every aspect of their gaming audio using just their smartphone. Gamers can even change audio settings in, for example, Skype™, with in-game music, or with their media player together or independently – for custom-tailored audio control made simple.”

Power Grid is currently being showcased at CeBit this week and is currently still in beta testing, but if you fancy giving the app a blast Roccat is currently taking beta testers onboard. To apply to be a beta tester at

Source: Engadget

Category: Apple news | Added by: marlen (2012-03-08)
Views: 733 | Tags: Top News, Gadgets, Gaming, PC hardware | Rating: 0.0/0
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