For a proper sense of proportion, the resulting storage space is
enough to fit two dozen billion mp3 files. It’s going to be E-normous.
Ample proof as well that IBM isn’t done in yet, to think before World
War 2 the same company sold mere office peripherals and coffee grinders.
Not kidding, but Thomas Watson eventually became embarassed y the
latter and dropped them. If he didn’t, maybe fast food chains today
might have IBM made coffee grinders.
As proof that data storage on an incomprehensible scale is still good
business, a small army of researchers–more like a team of researchers
to be honest, but that’s what the press say–are dedicated to the
project. The 200,000 conventional disk drives are being assembled over
at Almaden, California where IBM have a bustling lab for such projects.
This isn’t an internal upgrade, however, but a commissioned work from an
unnamed client. We’re guessing the ‘client’ is a huge company from the
military-industrial complex who needs the digital real estate for
complex simulations. This is our hunch anyway.
If you’ve got a better idea of who’s likely to have such commissioned
this ground-breaking IBM project, feel free to name them in the
comments with an accompanying reason. But keep in mind both S.H.I.E.L.D
and Wayne Enterprises are out of the question.
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