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Photographer Creates World Largest Digital Camera Back Measuring 8 x 10 inches

Photographer Mitchell Feinberg has been using polaroids to take test exposures on his Sinar 8 x 10 plate camera for some years but the cost of using the ageing polaroid technology was starting to pinch. So Feinberg decided to create his own digital back for the Sinar 8 x 10 plate camera and created the worlds largest non-scanning colour sensor array.

The new digital back called the Maxback fixes directly to the back of the Sinar camera and is capable of capturing a photo in 30 seconds and creates images with a resolution of 3285 x 2611 and around 10MB in size.

Mitchell Feinberg explains how the cost of polaroids was mounting:

"I used to shoot on average 7.5 Polaroids per photo, and I shoot between 400 to 500 images a year. That’s at least 3000 Polaroids. At 15 bucks a pop. Or about 50K per year, minimum. Polaroid was at one point my highest single cost.”

Source: Gadget Lab
Category: Tech Toys | Added by: amitguruji (2011-08-27)
Views: 318 | Tags: Gadget, cool toys | Rating: 0.0/0
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