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Mute Unwanted Phrases On TV With The Arduino Enough Already Box (video)

If you enjoy watching TV but are fed up listening to certain celebrity names or phrases being over used. A new Arduino device called the Enough Already, developed by Matt Richardson might be able to help you recover control of your TVs audio.

His new creation is Arduino based and allows you to mute a TVs audio based on certain keywords or phrases. The little device uses a Video Experimenter Shield which is placed on top of the Arduino board enabling it to then decode the closed-captioning text of the programme currently showing on your TV. Watch the video after the jump to see the Enough Already, Arduino device in action.

Richardson explains how his innovative device works:

"Closed captioning transcription is transmitted with the NTSC picture signal. The incoming text is processed for a set of keywords such as "KARDASHIAN” or "SNOOKI” and sends my television’s IR remote control mute command, muting the TV for 30 seconds and then unmuting it (as long as a keyword isn’t mentioned again).”

For more information on the device and how to build one jump over to the MAKE website.

Source: MAKE

Category: Gadget | Added by: amitguruji (2011-08-19)
Views: 420 | Tags: Design, Gadgets, Display | Rating: 0.0/0
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