Financial Market / NASDAQ Dubai have announced the launch of their new
Securities Dashboard. The front-end is an HTML5 app which has been
optimized for Internet Explorer 9
Web Workers in IE10: Background JavaScript Makes Web Apps Faster:
Responsive Web pages result in happier consumers. With Web workers,
Web applications are more responsive by offloading complex JavaScript
algorithms to run in the background.
HTML 5 Parsing in IE10:
The Web is better when developers can use the same markup and same
code across different browsers with the same results. The second
platform preview of IE10 makes progress in this area by fully supporting
the HTML5 parsing algorithm.
Using PC Hardware more efficiently in HTML 5 (Web Performance APIs):
The second IE10 Platform Preview supports three emerging
API's from the W3C Web Performance Working Group which
enable developers to make the most of the underlying
hardware and use battery power more efficiently:
requestAnimationFrame, Page Visibility and setImmediate.
Web Application Security:
This IE10 Platform Preview now supports HTML5 Sandbox and
iframe isolation, an important component to Web application
security. With the second Platform Preview, developers can
start working with several site-ready HTML5 technologies for
building beautiful, interactive Web applications with great
performance and security.
Internet Explorer 10 Platform Preview Guide for Developers
IE10 Platform Preview Guide for Developers provides an early look at
the developer features coming to the next version of Internet Explorer.
By using the documentation and samples in this guide, web developers and
designers can prepare to use these new features.
IE 10 Platform Preview 2 Now Available for Download
Platform Preview 2, the same HTML5 engine seen in the recent public
"Windows 8" demos, is now available for download. With this update, IE10
continues to deliver support for site-ready HTML5 technologies as well
as improving performance.