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Yesterday we heard that Microsoft will show of its first Windows 8 tablet next week at its annual conference, and now it would appear that the first Windows 8 tablet we will see is from Samsung.

According to a recent report, Microsoft will show off a reference model Windows 8 tablet next week, which has been manufactured by Samsung, although there are no details as yet on the specifications we might see.

Samsung already produces a number of popular Android tablets, which have had problems recently due to the various court cases going on between Apple and Samsung.

If Samsung were to start producing Windows 8 tablets as well as Android based tablets it would be a good move for the company, as the outcome of the various legal cases brought against Samsung by Apple for their Android tablets is yet to be decided.

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Category: Microsoft News | Views: 828 | Added by: amitguruji | Date: 2011-09-09 | Comments (0)

We have already seen a few videos of Microsoft’s latest operating system, Windows 8, and now Microsoft has released a new video which shows how fast Windows 8 will boot up.

As you will see in the video below, Microsoft has made some significant improvements in how fast Windows 8 boots up compared to their existing OS Windows 7.

That’s pretty fast compared to Windows 7, Windows 8 booted up in under two seconds, you can find out more information over at the Microsoft Blog.

Source WinBeta

Category: Microsoft News | Views: 753 | Added by: amitguruji | Date: 2011-09-09 | Comments (0)

We know that Microsoft’s next operating system, Windows 8 will be tablet friendly and have already seen some photos and video of the Windows 8 tablet user interface.

Now some Windows 8 tablet applications have started to appear, with companies already starting development of the applications ahead of the Windows 8 launch.

One of those is a USA Today application, and they are planning to use the Metro UI of Windows 8, for their tablet app, and USA Today’s Art Director, Robbie Dillon has described the application in his online resume.

In preparation for the Windows 8 release, this app is being built to take advantage of the touch-first, native environment of Windows 8, while retaining the look and feel of the Windows Metro UI and showcasing the content of USA Today.

We suspect we will get a look at quite a few more Windows 8 tablet applications before Mic ... Read more »

Category: Microsoft News | Views: 842 | Added by: amitguruji | Date: 2011-08-29 | Comments (0)

Is competitor pressure causing Facebook to up its game? Either way, the users win.

There was a time when we all thought Facebook could just rest on its laurels, watching social network wannabes (and even fairly on-par competitors) attempt to steal a fraction of its user base. Facebook clearly had a firm, unwavering grip on our loyalty, and no matter the frustrations or even outrage it caused us, our digital identities and communities were so ingrained in the site that leaving would be worse than staying. And yes, that is a phrase you often use to describe returning to an abusive relationship.

But that may no longer be the case. Part of Facebook’s incredible success can be attributed to timing: Its launch targeted an audience that had been raised with the Internet and was accustomed to experimenting with social platforms. Of course, it’s brilliant design and attent ... Read more »

Category: Microsoft News | Views: 799 | Added by: amitguruji | Date: 2011-08-26 | Comments (0)

The file management features within Windows have not drastically changed for a number of versions, but copying, moving, renaming, and deleting are by far the most heavily used features within Windows Explorer.

Well in Windows 8 Microsoft is looking to improve their functionality with a fresh look and redesign these everyday core operations. Watch a video created by Microsoft after the jump explaining a few of the new features they will be adding to their Windows 8 OS when it rolls out.

Microsoft explains their thoughts behind the file management refresh:

"Our focus is on improving the experience of the person who is doing high-volume copying with Explorer today, who would like more control, more insight into what’s going on while copying, and a cleaner, more streamlined experience.”

... Read more »

Category: Microsoft News | Views: 765 | Added by: amitguruji | Date: 2011-08-24 | Comments (0)

Samsung has a new netbook coming that is going to be almost just like the N100 that has been tipped in the past. The N100 is a machine that runs the MeeGo operating system. The N102 will have the same 10.1-inch screen and Intel N435 processor inside. The difference will be the OS.

Whereas the N100 runs Meego, the N102 will run Windows 7 Starter. Both the N100 and N102 will run 1GB of DDR3 RAM, the processor is a slow 1.33 GHz, and the storage will be to a 250GB HDD. That means this will be no speed demon.

The screen has an anti-glare coating and a resolution of 1024 x 600. Graphics are going to be via Intel GMA 3150 integrated. Power comes from a 3-cell battery and the netbook has a memory card reader, VGA port, and more. The N100 is expected to be around $200 with the N102 at $299.

via ... Read more »

Category: Microsoft News | Views: 797 | Added by: amitguruji | Date: 2011-08-24 | Comments (0)

Following on from the collapse of the HP webOS products late last week, when HP released a surprise announcement that they would be stopping all production of their webOS hardware. Closing down production and discontinuing operations for webOS devices, specifically the TouchPad and webOS phones.

Brandon Watson, Microsoft’s Senior Director of Windows Phone 7 development, wasted no time tweeting an offer to published WebOS developers. Wooing potential webOS developers into Microsofts corner by offering free phones, training and development tools.

After a few days the move seem to have paid off for Microsoft as Watson has received more than 500 email from interested webOS developers looking for a new development platform. You can view Brandon Watson Twitter feed here&nbs ... Read more »

Category: Microsoft News | Views: 676 | Added by: amitguruji | Date: 2011-08-23 | Comments (0)

It has been discovered that both and have been using powerful supercookies to track online visitors user data. The supercookies are almost impossible to detect and can recreate user profiles even after a normal cookie has been deleted and are capable of stealing a users complete browser history in some cases.The data can then be used to see a visitors financial and health status and provide advertisers with considerably more detailed information than a standard cookie would divulge.

The websites use of the new supercookies was discovered by researchers at Stanford University and University of California at Berkeley. The supercookies are sometimes distributed through Flash content as cookies for this type of content are stored in a separate folder away from normal cookies, and are not removed when a use ... Read more »

Category: Microsoft News | Views: 815 | Added by: amitguruji | Date: 2011-08-19 | Comments (0)

OpenDNS the Domain Name System resolution service has announced that it now supports more than 30 million customers worldwide. OpenDNS was launched back in 2006 by David Ulevitch and in just five years has grown into a professional DNS resolution service for consumers and businesses worldwide as an alternative to using their own Internet service provider’s DNS servers.

As well as their Domain Name System resolution service OpenDNS also provide extra services to users including phishing filters, domain blocking and typo correction and blocks malicious sites when users try to access them through the OpenDNS service. They are also closely involved with helping some ISPs hijacking users keyword searches and redirecting them to affiliate links.

In just 5 years the company has grown fro ... Read more »

Category: Microsoft News | Views: 730 | Added by: amitguruji | Date: 2011-08-19 | Comments (0)

Microsoft has today revealed that their new Windows 8 OS will indeed have its own "App Store”. Confirming the rumours that have been circulating since a number of Windows 8 development documents were leaked in the middle of 2010. Together with a few leaked Windows 8 screenshots earlier this year that idicated a navigation tab for an "App Store”.

Microsoft will now be matching ... Read more »

Category: Microsoft News | Views: 764 | Added by: amitguruji | Date: 2011-08-18 | Comments (0)