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If you are looking to develop a project which requires a GPS receiver that is both low-cost and very accurate you might be interested in a new device which is launched on the crowdfunding Kickstarter website this week called the Piksi.

The Piksi GPS receiver has been created to provide users with centimetre level precision together with open source software and board design. Check out the video after the jump to learn more about the new GPS receiver and its capabilities.

Swift Navigation the creators of Piksi explain : "A regular GPS receiver, like you have in your cell phone, gives positions that are accurate to within a few meters. An RTK (Real Time Kinematic) GPS system gives positions that are 100 times more accurate – down to single centimeters. Piksi is an R ... Read more »

Category: Techno News | Views: 1454 | Added by: amitguruji | Date: 2013-08-08 | Comments (0)

It has been a few months since Apple released the Haswell powered Macbook Air. However, there were no details about the Macbook Pros, powered by Intel’s Haswell chip. A new report has emerged from Chinese shores that claims the new Retina Macbook Pros powered by Haswell chip wont ship until October.  A few analysts also report that the upgraded Macbooks will be launched before September ends.

There were rumors in the past that pointed towards a shortage of the display panels as the cause of the delay. Regarding the pricing, it has been revealed that the device will be sold in a similar price range a ... Read more »

Category: Apple News | Views: 1196 | Added by: amitguruji | Date: 2013-07-29 | Comments (0)

It is a known fact that Blackberry is expected to launch Blackberry OS 7 powered device by the end of the year – Blackberry 9720. A few weeks back, the device did pose for the camera, and later appeared in a video where the device was shown in action. Today, we have an unofficial press render of the alleged Blackberry 9720 codenamed Samoa.

The leaked emerged from the one and only and it does look similar to what we have seen in the past. The device features a dedicated BBM button with an optical track pad, back, send and power buttons just like every other Blackberry device.

It is expected that the device will feature a full QWERTY keyboard, 1,450 mAh battery, display sporting 480 x 360 pixels resolution and running BB OS7 on top of it. ... Read more »

Category: Future Mobile | Views: 1053 | Added by: amitguruji | Date: 2013-07-28 | Comments (0)

With the iPhone having revolutionized the phone as we know it, it’s no surprise that with the 6th-generation iPhone, it still remains one of the most popular handsets on the market. You can hardly get on a bus, train or walk down the street, without seeing someone with an iPhone.

As such, people have come up with lots of ways to customize their device. One of the most popular methods of making your iPhone your own is to use a case. This is a good option, however I have something that trumps it. The Color Lab.

The aluminum that comprises the back housing on the iPhone 5 can actually be chemically dyed, via a process called anodization. Doing so creates a very unique look on your iPhone, and really makes it stand out amongst the c ... Read more »

Category: Future Mobile | Views: 1118 | Added by: amitguruji | Date: 2013-06-27 | Comments (0)

Bondsy, a new mobile app, has brought the barter system back from the grave. While sites like Ebay are great for getting rid of stuff you don’t want or need, it only allows you to get rid of items people are willing to buy. Usually things people are already looking for. Bondsy makes it easier for people to barter goods for goods instead of using currency.
For example, one of the trades being talked about is a bunch of bacon for coffee beans. With Bondsy, you can literally trade anything for anything. It doesn’t have to be a physical item either. Someone has already traded T-shirts for plumbing services using Bondsy – just don’t trade to barter services that are currently illegal.

The downside is that it doesn’t w ... Read more »
Category: Future Mobile | Views: 1012 | Added by: amitguruji | Date: 2013-05-27 | Comments (0)

Within the next week Samsung’s Galaxy S4 is projected to reach 10 million in sales within the next week – making it Samsung’s fastest-selling device ever. It’s previous fastest-selling device was the Galaxy S3, which sold 10 million within 54 days. If the S4’s progress continues, it’ll almost cut the Galaxy S3’s time in half!

The Galaxy S4 went on sale on April 26th and has since been flying off the shelves. It’s so popular that Google has decided to ally with Samsung to create a Google Edition of the S4 that will allow users to make use of the Android Jelly Bean instead of TouchWiz. It’ll pretty much turn the device into an unofficial Nexus.

... Read more »
Category: Techno News | Views: 1290 | Added by: amitguruji | Date: 2013-05-20 | Comments (0)

When I first heard about Google Glass, I thought it was a great technological advancement. However, being one of the millions who wear glasses and American to boot, I found myself instantly wanting more.

While the idea was neat, the thought of wearing Glass in addition to my glasses was rather off-putting. If only Glass could be integrated with my prescription, or at least offer a prescription-based version…

Google I/O brought just that! On the show floor was ... Read more »

Category: Techno News | Views: 1048 | Added by: amitguruji | Date: 2013-05-20 | Comments (0)

Did you know there have been four different Mars rovers to touchdown and drive along the surface of Mars since 1997? All four belong to NASA and include – in order of oldest to newest – the Sojourner, Spirit, Opportunity and Curiosity.

Curiosity has been getting the brunt of the attention after finding strong signs that life may have once existed on Mars, but Opportunity recently hit a monumental point by breaking the record for the longest NASA drive off Earth.

Opportunity has driven a total of 35.76 kilometers along the surface of Mars – much more than Curiosity’s measl ... Read more »

Category: Techno News | Views: 1118 | Added by: amitguruji | Date: 2013-05-20 | Comments (0)

We have been seeing a number of photos of the white Nexus 4 over the last few weeks, and now we have some more details about the device it will launch on the 10th of June and will come with Android 4.3 Jelly Bean.

The specifications on the white Nexus 4 will be the same as the existing model, it will come with a 4.7 inch display with a resolution of 1280 x 768 pixels and 320pp, and it will be the first ndevice to launch with Androi ... Read more »

Category: Future Mobile | Views: 1089 | Added by: amitguruji | Date: 2013-05-18 | Comments (0)

Angry Birds fans using a Windows Phone handset have some good news today. Angry Birds Rio is now available from the Windows Phone Store. The game has 210 levels and 40 bonus stages.

That should be enough to keep you busy for awhile. The game is a tie-in to the animated RIO movie and is priced at just 99 cents in the Windows Phone Store. The game is getting some high reviews from players so far. People like it.

Both Windows Phone 7 and Windows Phone 8 users have been able to download and play some of the other specially themed Angry Birds games like Angry Birds Star Wars, Angry Birds Seasons and Angry Birds Space already. Eventually, Angry Birds Friends will be available for Windows Phone. Another nice feature that this version of the game has is that users can set up multi-player ... Read more »

Category: Apple News | Views: 1125 | Added by: amitguruji | Date: 2013-05-18 | Comments (0)