When it comes to global warming,
the only people to blame for turning it into a tired and excessively
muddied issue is ourselves. Yes, this is a powerful and provocative
stance. But really, look at how it has become almost irrelevant in
public discourse thanks to so many conflicting facts, falling prey to
partisan politics and clever information sabotage. No wonder to this
day, there are still global warming skeptics.
But you know what? Forget blaming people or pointing fingers. It’s no
use. Our Earth’s temperature has risen since the beginning of the
post-war years. That’s fact. Forget Al Gore, he merely transmitted the
On a lighter note, yes, that’s the planet Reach pictured above standing in for our homeworld.
Now allegedly independent findings from the Berkeley Research Project
(BRP) confirm the worst: The previous decade was the hottest on
records. So does this mean the seas will rise and coastal cities are
going to be submerged? Don’t let your imagination get the better of you.
What distinguishes the BRP are its supporters. In other words, the
money men (and possibly women) from the private sector whose own track
records on the global warming issue are actually conflicting. Still,
this didn’t stop them from donating cash to realize the present
findings. Another factor that sets this apart is the methodology. But
for a detailed analysis of this startling achievement, it’s best to open
the source link below.
Source Discover Magazine |