Main » 2011»October»2 » Scary Stuff: Harnessing Twitter Data Allows Mass Emotional Mapping
11:51 PM
Scary Stuff: Harnessing Twitter Data Allows Mass Emotional Mapping
A report from a Cornell University research team has revealed that
across the world, a standardized emotional rhythm runs our daily lives.
So what kind of methodology did they use? Tweets, lots and lots of
tweets. Like somewhere in the neighborhood of two million people across
several dozen countries. The end result was published in the journal
Thanks to the social media revolution, scientists engrossed with the
study of human behavior have veritable gold mines at the tip of their
fingers. This was exactly the case at Cornell, where the findings were
used to analyse a person’s behaviour throughout the week. The broad
analysis necessary included harnessing words deemed positive and even
the use of emoticons. So this means the more : ) there are, the happier
the person.
Several familiar patterns eventually surfaced, including the perk in
mood at the onset of weekends and the general disgruntlement of rising
in the morning for work, a state improved by breakfast. All this from
studying tweets.
If this comprehensive study smacks of dystopian scientific-corporate madness don’t be surprised. Humankind brought it on itself.