Main » 2012»October»22 » Awesome NASA Simulation Reveals Galaxies Entire History (video)
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Awesome NASA Simulation Reveals Galaxies Entire History (video)
NASA has created and released an awesome two minute video detailing
what goes on in the life of a single disk Galaxy from the the Big Bang
13.5 billion years ago right up to our present day.
The hypnotic NASA video ran on the Pleiades supercomputer at NASA’s Ames Research Center in Moffett Field California, and required 1 million processor hours to construct.
indicate old stars (red), young stars (white and bright blue) and the
distribution of gas density (pale blue); the view is 300,000 light-years
across. It assumes a universe dominated by dark energy and dark
matter.” Video by F. Governato, T. Quinn, A. Brooks and J. Wadsley