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If you are looking forward to the launched of Blizzards Diablo 3 game, Blizzard has today announced the launch of their new official Diablo 3 community site to keep you updated on all new announcements and developments.

As the community site becomes more established Blizzard says it will add a guides section featuring lore, characters, classes, maps, and more. But no release date has been announced as yet by Blizzard for the launch of the game and Blizzard hasn’t committed to it launching before the end of the year.

Blizzard explains:

 ”This will be your sanctuary for all the latest developments from New Tristram and beyond, featuring community forums and regular updates to this blog, where you can post comments and share news items via Twitter, Facebook, and other popular social media outlets.” 

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Category: Gaming News | Views: 777 | Added by: amitguruji | Date: 2011-08-25 | Comments (0)

Gunnar Optics has teamed up with Activision to release their limited edition Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Gaming Eyewear. The eyewear has been designed to help gamers reduce eye strain while engaging in extended gaming sessions, using LCD screens.

The new MW3 limited edition gaming eyewear  increases the contrast for greater visual accuracy and efficiency while gaming, enhances detail for sharper clearer vision, reduces glare and improves focus and decreases eye fatigue and dry eyes during gaming sessions.

Gunnar explains:

"GUNNAR Advanced Gaming Eyewear creates a more comfortable and rich visual experience, improving a gamers’ visual efficiency, endurance, and recovery, while combating eye fatigue during extending hours of gaming.”

Thew new Gunnar MW3 eyewear is now available ... Read more »

Category: Gaming News | Views: 1052 | Added by: amitguruji | Date: 2011-08-24 | Comments (0)

f you area Portal fan this awesome fan made live action film is a definitely worth a watch. The film runs for just under 7 minutes and starts a little slowly for some but bare with it as the action soon hots up. Watch it after the jump and let us know your thoughts in the comments below. Enjoy!

This fantastic Portal film has been created by Dan Trachtenberg a filmmaker and video podcast host, with the host of visual effects provided by Jon Chesson, and the matte painting work provided by Maxx Burman.

Source: Joystiq< ... Read more »

Category: Gaming News | Views: 769 | Added by: amitguruji | Date: 2011-08-24 | Comments (0)

You might have thought you had played Virtua Fighter 5 about four years back. You thought right! And wrong at the same time. It’s kind of the same logic that gives birth to about three new Street Fighter IV editions a year (we think, though make sure to Wikipedia it if you care that much), each more Hyper and Premium-Extremo than the last.

However, logic has very little to do with kicking people in the head, so let’s leave it aside for now, at least long enough for us to put the word out there that Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown is coming to a home console digital delivery platform near you. The game is apparently "a full overhaul of Virtua Fighter 5‘s mechanics, balance and animations,” as well as, and you might want to sit down for this one: new costumes. Somewhere, god just killed an indie developer. And a puppy.

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Category: Gaming News | Views: 620 | Added by: amitguruji | Date: 2011-08-24 | Comments (0)

Good news! Ubisoft’s seething hatred for its customers seemed to have simmered down to a slow boil. As a result, Eric Chahi’s well-received… RTS? God game? uhh… game will be drawing its first free offline breath about two weeks from now. We’re not sure what finally led Ubisoft to the conclusion that inflicting online multiplayer game problems on an offline single-player game without any reasonable justification was a valid business model, but we’re just glad they finally did.

"This development time is required as we are working to ensure that those who have already started the game, and who’s progress is currently saved on our servers, will receive and save their game information locally,” according to Ubisoft. "Once the patch is ready, players who already have the game will automatically receive the update on their next login and subseque ... Read more »

Category: Gaming News | Views: 700 | Added by: amitguruji | Date: 2011-08-24 | Comments (0)

N-Control has just announced that they are no taking pre-orders for their PS3 version of the N-Control Avenger controller add-on. The N-Control Avenger has been available to Xbox 360 players since February 2011, but soon PS3 games will also be able to benefit from the adapters enhanced gaming control.

The PS3 N-Control Avenger like the Xbox 360 version has been designed to enhances the gamer’s manual dexterity and situational awareness by improving accuracy and reaction time. By reducing the amount of movement required to press a button or triggers, and also allowing you to access nine functions simultaneously.

The Avenger comes complete with stabiliser tripod, high-precision tension straps, hair-triggers, and sensitivity adjusters, which can be fine-tuned like a precision ... Read more »

Category: Gaming News | Views: 781 | Added by: amitguruji | Date: 2011-08-23 | Comments (0)

Another day, another bout of reassurances from Bioware that the second game in the series was a complete and unforeseeable fluke. This is, however, the first time we’re hearing anything about Dragon Age 3 except confirmation of its existence, so there’s still room for something other than disappointment. For now.

"I think that the team has actually got a great plan. I think the team is going to have some things that are going to surprise both sets of fans, both core fans and new fans with a marriage of these… the best from both games, Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age 2. And we look forward more to talking about that in the future,” Bioware co-founder Ray Muzyka said, sadly without mentioning which of those fans enjoy playing the same level fifteen different times with different areas blocked off. In case you thought we were th ... Read more »

Category: Gaming News | Views: 734 | Added by: riyaraj | Date: 2011-08-23 | Comments (0)

Is DOTA and its increasingly numerous brethren far enough removed from its humble Warcraft 3 beginnings for us to attempt that Warhammer-Blizzard joke we’ve been working on ? We haven’t really gotten the details down, but it was going to be something really meta along the lines of how Blizzard is coming full circle by ripping itself off just like it did Games Workshop all those years ago, only they didn’t really make DOTA, did they? But they made fans who made DOTA, so that has to count for something, right?

Still, they may not have made DOTA the first time around, but they definitely plan to take a crack at it now. Only they’re doing it Blizzard-style. ”One of the important things to note with that space is the DOTA everyone plays on Warcraft 3 is not particularly accessible to the novice,” according ot Executive Vice President, Product Developm ... Read more »

Category: Gaming News | Views: 764 | Added by: riyaraj | Date: 2011-08-23 | Comments (0)

We’re not sure when we can stop attributing these unfortunate events to the omnipresent economic crisis and just start seeing them as the cost of doing business again, but it probably doesn’t matter all that much for the 90% of staff currently suffering "temporary layoffs” over at XBLA game D&D Daggerdale developer Bedlam.

"Bedlam Games – the studio formed by ex-R* Toronto blokes after The Warriors – laid off most of its staff and effectively shuttered last month,” read the tweet that revealed the closure, coming from a source that has previously brought to light such news as the Team Bondi LA Noire disturbances. Apparently most devs have landed on their feet, as is the wont of talented developers. For what it’s worth, we thought Daggerdale was thoroughly decent and The Warriors even more so.

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Category: Gaming News | Views: 644 | Added by: riyaraj | Date: 2011-08-23 | Comments (0)

Despite the popular notion that the PSP Go’s had rather a poor showing as a vehicle for digital downloads, we’re more of the opinion it had a poor showing as a vehicle for convincing gamers with hefty physical media collections to give them up entirely for no benefit whatsoever. Which, we’re sure you’ll agree, is a tall order for any handheld, especially one half-heartedly released at the end of the product’s life cycle.

Enter the PS Vita, the stupidly-named, but stupidly overpowered to compensate handheld Sony is bringing to the market later this year. A Sony rep has apparently promised that digital versions of all games released for the new console will be available day and date with retail copies. Sure,  Sony might have promised that exact same thing for the PSP Go back then and completely failed to deliver, but we can forgive a lot for a second ... Read more »

Category: Gaming News | Views: 787 | Added by: riyaraj | Date: 2011-08-23 | Comments (0)