Apparently there’s this condition called Electromagnetic
Hypersensitivity (or EHS) that’s ruining a lot of lives. How? It makes
its victims so paranoid around cellular devices and WiFi
networks—believing proximity to such tech irradiates them—that they
decide to opt out of society. Thus, WiFi refugees have come into
existence. The almost too-unbelievable part is groups of them have been
flocking to a far away town for their protection.
The place is Green Bank, West Virginia where oddly enough humongous
radio telescopes ar ein operation. It has become a haven for EHS
sufferers and other WiFi refugees because it’s a certified radio free
zone. It’s also rustic, isolated, and quite lovely.
The BBC have a great piece on some of the inhabitants who claim they
have suffered from EHS and cellular devices. The victims claim headaches
and mental torture, often resulting in their withdrawal from society.
The controversial part is a lot of doctors poo poo the notion that
people get sick from WiFi and cellphones. An academic even went so far
as to call the ailment a result of ignorance.
We’re not going to judge, but when the elderly folks who’ve moved to
green Bank describe their pain, it’s pretty vivid. What’s missing?
Source BBC |